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Eli Maksoudian

Life & Leadership Coach, Breathwork Coach, and Executive Consultant

With 15 years international experience in coaching people from all walks of life, Eli's "living to your max' approach is based on several methods, including breath-work, cognitive coaching, spiritual awareness, physical training, balancing diet and emotional control, all of which are key to unlocking your full potential and aiding you to continuously grow and reach the best of yourself with every passing day.


requires working on all three pillars of our life


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We were never really taught the power of breathing and how beneficial it can be to control the "uncontrollable" in our bodies, minds and souls. Master several techniques to fit your needs, and take back the control.


You are what you eat, and reaching YOUR MAX means involving yourself in what you consume. Master the ability to listen to what your body needs, and avoid what it rejects, allowing it to support reaching your highest ambitions.


The body is your instrument, making sure it’s well tuned translates to it being able to keep up with your max potential. Master your own anatomy and gain the upper hand on physical challenges, appreciating the contrast between impossible and difficult.


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Thoughts are the source of both creativity and distress and most often the line is blurred between the two. Master the skill of observing your thoughts and take back control of their effects on your psyche, and use them to fuel your mental strength to achieve your goals.


What was once a hindress to your growth can become the essence of your evolution. Master your sentience and learn to use your emotions constructively with yourself and those around you, turning you into the best version of yourself.


Your actions will speak loudest to your own ears. Master your ability to differentiate between action and reaction, regardless of the external situation and push yourself towards constructive proactivity to reach your maximum potential.


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Who you are is so much more than what you think you are capable of. Master your ability to adapt to your ever-changing being, and work towards accepting and recognizing your potential, allowing you to even transcend that “limit”.


You are only as strong as the connections you establish, this is true both externally as well as internally. Master the ability to recognize the connections between the different aspects in your own life, as well as the life of those around you, turning you into a positive force both within and without. 


Bring in all your efforts together full circle, and see your highest goals achieved. Master your determination to make what you want happen, and learn to adapt when faced with obstacles. Your achievements are your own, they stem from overcoming your failures.


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